Cyber Crime

Cyber Crimes Lawyer in New Jersey – Get Advice on Internet Crime Charges


We are entering into the technology world. The definition of crime is different in this world. Cyber crime is one of those crimes in which the offense includes the use of a computer or internet. With expansion of technology the list of cyber crime grows. When a person criminally accessed an individual’s computer without authorization, then it is considered a cyber crime. Cyber criminals access and steal important data. In addition fraud, viruses, and false payments also comes under cyber crime. A lot of cyber crimes happened on daily basis. This is due to the amount of computer users in the world. New Jersey based internet crimes attorney come into play when you are facing cyber crime charges. Talk to us now.

Cyber criminals use software to access someones computer. As a result, the individual may not know that a criminal is accessing their device. Generally, criminals access the devices from a remote location. Due to the varying nature of  cyber crimes, NJ and Federal law enforcement has created cyber units. These units deal with cyber crimes only.

NJ law enforcement has an IRU, CCU, IPCU. These units conduct investigations into cyber crimes.

IRU – It focuses on crimes done through computers and networks. In addition, it also deals with crimes done through smart phones and other digital devices.

CCU – It focuses on the use of computers in fraud and identity theft.

IPCU – It focuses on crime investigation related to children.


Why You Should Hire Us?

These investigations can be broad. Sometimes innocents face this. In other words, individuals that have not committed an offense may be accused of doing so. At that time, a cyber crime attorney can help you in the case. Contact us now!

Whether you are falsely accused of cyber crime or otherwise have charges pending against you, then you should contact a cyber crime lawyer. Our network of New jersey internet crimes attorney can create a defense strategy. As a result, we protect your rights, reputation, family, and career.

Our network of attorneys can guide you in the right direction. Contact us now and get free a consultation.

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If you have been falsely accused of cyber crime, or charged in general with a cyber crime, contact the New Jersey internet crimes attorney at

Riviere Advocacy Group (732)-646-5529

With the speed at which technological innovation takes place, cyber crimes are ever changing and therefore sometimes the law does not specifically address the crime which an individual may have committed. However, generally speaking the law will address the crimes committed. For example most search and seizure law was decided well before the advent of the internet, however the well settled principals, case law and court rules allow the State to search computers and networks just as it can your home or car: R. 3:5-2 permits the seizure of “any property.” The Rule provides: A search warrant may be issued to search for and seize any property including documents, books, papers and any other tangible objects, obtained in violation of the penal laws of this State or any other state; or possessed, controlled, designed or intended for use or which has been used in connection with any such violation; or constituting evidence of or tending to show any such violation. In fact during the course of an investigation it may come to light that a computer is actively being used to commit cyber crimes. In this situation the state may seek a court order for the interception of the wire or electronic communications otherwise known as a “wiretap.” This is governed by the requirements set forth for the interception of wire or electronic communications pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:156A-1 et seq. New Jersey has laws to address stored wire and electronic communications, which may be obtained by law enforcement, via N.J.S.A. 2A:156A-27, this law closely parallels the Stored Wire and Electronic Communications and Transactional Records Access Act 18 U.S.C.A. § 2701 et seq. Law enforcement is limited in getting access to your Internet Service Providers (ISP) electronically stored information via N.J.S.A. 2A:156A-28, which prohibits the disclosure of the contents of a communication while in electronic storage by a person or entity providing an electronic communication service or remote commuting service to the public. However there are exceptions to this rule! Our Mercer County Cyber Crime attorneys are familiar with these laws, contact us for a free consultation.
  • Computer hacking – breaking into computers and computer networks for unlawful purposes
  • Internet sex crimes – sexual assault via the web, web solicitations, and possession, distribution, or trading of internet based child pornography
  • Internet child pornography – images, movies or other types of medium of minors under the age of 18 sexually exploiting a child
  • Computer crimes against a child – contact with a child by an adult via the internet attempting to lure the child for sexual conduct
  • Stalking – sending unwanted emails, harassment, credible threats, impersonation of another individual in online forums, spreading lies or untruths about an individual
  • Identity theft/Identify fraud – spoofing, phishing scams, credit card fraud, bank account fraud, computer hacking, and computer intrusion

Retaining the services of an NJ internet crimes attorney at your cases inception is key to a successful defense.

An attorney at Riviere Advocacy Group will start building a defense by identifying witnesses, challenging the admission of evidence, retaining expert witnesses, as well as gathering references supporting the accused individual’s character.

The ultimate result achieved in your case will depend on it!

We will work hard to negotiate the best possible plea deal, have the charges thrown out or prepare the case for trial.