What is a Restraining Order?

A restraining order is a civil order issued by a judge that provides protection for the victim (plaintiff) and his/her family from harm by a spouse or former spouse, a present or former household member, a person you have a child in common with or expect to have a child in common with (if you are currently pregnant), or a person you’ve had a dating relationship with who accused of domestic violence. The courts are always open to hear a victim’s complaints and issue a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO).
In fact victims of domestic violence are entitled to the aid of the court no matter the day or hour it is part of the Judges job to hear your complaint not matter what time! N.J.S.A. 2C:25-18: Provides for access to emergent and long term relief to protect victims of domestic violence and encourages the broad application of the statute in the civil and criminal courts of the State.

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